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“UNSELF” is a captivating surreal painting that explores the complexity of human identity and the hidden facets of an individual. In the corner of the canvas, a solitary figure, rendered in dynamic brushwork and vivid shadows, stands as the focal point. What makes this artwork truly intriguing is the myriad of colourful, crisscrossing tapes that envelop the person from head to toe. These tapes represent the external judgments, expectations, and assumptions that society imposes on an individual based on their achievements and failures.

The chaotic, almost chaotic, arrangement of the tapes signifies the intricate web of influences and perceptions that surround us. The figure’s obscured face hints at the difficulty of truly knowing someone, as external judgments often veil the person’s true nature. The vibrant shadows used in the artwork convey the emotional and psychological diversity that lies beneath the surface.


This thought-provoking painting, “UNSELF,” should be displayed in a well-lit, contemplative space, preferably a gallery or a room where viewers can engage with it on a personal level. It would benefit from being hung at eye level to allow viewers to closely examine the intricate details. Placing it in a prominent position within a room can draw attention to its message about the complexity of human identity and the limitations of how we perceive others.

Dimensions 32 × 40 in

4k Image, Canvas Print, Canvas Painting


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