
Sahastra Ganesh

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In this profound artwork, we are transported to the sacred moment when Sage Ved Vyasa called upon Lord Ganesh to transcribe the epic tale of the Mahabharata. Lord Ganesh, with his divine grace, reveals his magnificence with a hundred hands, ‘Sahastra Ganesh’. In this extraordinary portrayal, fifty hands are dedicated to inscribing the heroic saga of the Pandavas, while the remaining fifty hands simultaneously etch the intricate narrative of the Kauravas. The artwork beautifully captures the harmonious synergy between the divine and the mortal as they collaborate to preserve this timeless epic for future generations.

To honour the spiritual and literary significance of this artwork, consider displaying it in the following settings:

  1. Spiritual Retreat or Temple: This painting can serve as a focal point in a spiritual retreat, temple, or shrine, where devotees can reflect on the sacred nature of storytelling in religious texts.
  2. Library or Cultural Center: In a library or cultural center, this artwork can be featured as part of an exhibition highlighting the richness of mythology and epic literature.
  3. Educational Institution: Place the painting in a school or university, where it can inspire students to explore the depth and diversity of world literature and religious traditions.
  4. Art Gallery with a Divine Theme: In an art gallery focusing on mythological and religious art, this piece can be exhibited to engage viewers in the spiritual significance of the Mahabharata.

This artwork serves as a testament to the divine connection between Lord Ganesh and the storytelling tradition, offering a profound visual representation of the timeless epic, the Mahabharata.

Dimensions 30 × 42 in

4k Image, Canvas Print, Canvas Painting


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Sahastra Ganesh
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