
Eclipse of Equus

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“Eclipse of Equus” is a powerful and emotionally charged painting that tells the story of a horse-shaped cube engulfed in flames. This enigmatic artwork is a symbol of transformation, rebirth, and the resilience of the spirit.

The story begins with a vision of a horse, a majestic and free-spirited creature, enclosed within the confines of a perfect cube. The horse represents the untamed and unrestrained aspects of life, its strength and vitality. However, this cube is set ablaze, and the fire consumes the very essence of the horse.

But within this destruction, there is also a profound transformation taking place. As the flames engulf the horse, it doesn’t succumb to despair. Instead, it seems to embrace the fire, becoming one with it. The horse’s outline blurs and morphs, as if merging with the elemental force of the flames.

What emerges from the fiery crucible is a symbol of rebirth and resilience. The horse is now transformed, reborn from the ashes as a creature of pure energy and spirit. It stands strong, with flames still dancing around it, but it no longer exists within the confines of the cube.

This painting represents the idea that even in the face of destruction and adversity, the human spirit has the capacity to rise, transform, and find new forms of strength and resilience. It’s a testament to the enduring nature of the human soul and its ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger than before.


“Eclipse of Equus” should be placed in a room where its emotional and transformative symbolism can be appreciated. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Living Room or Common Area: This painting can be a thought-provoking and inspiring addition to a living room or common area, sparking conversations about resilience, transformation, and the human spirit.
  2. Personal Art Studio or Creative Space: In an art studio or creative workspace, “Eclipse of Equus” can serve as a source of inspiration for artists and creators, reminding them of the transformative power of creativity.
  3. Personal Development or Coaching Office: For a personal development coach or therapist, this artwork can be a visual representation of the themes of growth, transformation, and resilience discussed in counselling sessions.
  4. Gallery or Exhibition Space: If you wish to share the painting with a broader audience, consider displaying it in a gallery or exhibition space where it can provoke meaningful discussions about the human experience.

“Eclipse of Equus” is a compelling and emotionally charged work of art that invites viewers to contemplate the themes of transformation, resilience, and the enduring nature of the human spirit. Its placement should encourage reflection and dialogue about these profound concepts.

Dimensions 29 × 43 in

4k Image, Canvas Print, Canvas Painting


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Eclipse of Equus
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