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In this evocative painting, we are transported to the mythical realm of Lord Bholenath, a central figure in Hindu mythology. The artwork vividly depicts the pivotal moment when Lord Shiva, also known as Bholenath, is following the deadly poison that emerged from the churning of the cosmic ocean. Vasuki, the serpent lord, valiantly clings to Lord Shiva’s throat to prevent the poisonous substance from being swallowed. The vibrant blue poison takes center stage, symbolizing the malevolent forces at play. As its effects gradually manifest in Lord Shiva, he earns the name “Neelkanth,” signifying the blue-throated deity.

To honour the significance of this mythological moment and the transformation of Lord Shiva into Neelkanth, consider showcasing this profound painting in the following settings:

  1. Temple: Placing the artwork in a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva would be the most fitting location. It would allow devotees to connect with this sacred narrative as they visit the temple for worship and reflection.
  2. House: Some individuals choose to have religious or spiritually significant artwork in their homes. If you wish to have the painting in a house, it can serve as a personal reminder of Lord Shiva’s transformative power and the importance of spiritual growth.
  3. Yoga and Spiritual Centres: Displaying the painting in yoga and spiritual centres is an excellent choice. It can be a source of inspiration and contemplation for individuals who come to these centres seeking spiritual guidance, meditation, and self-discovery.
  4. Art and History Exhibition: Featuring the painting in an exhibition focused on art and history allows a wider audience to connect with the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology and its profound stories.

This painting encapsulates a moment of great significance in Hindu mythology, offering viewers a glimpse into the divine transformation of Lord Shiva into Neelkanth, and it can be a powerful addition to spaces that celebrate culture, spirituality, and history.

Dimensions 20 × 28 in

4k Image, Canvas Print, Canvas Painting


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